Components ========== PlexMap consists of loosely coupled components. This file gives a rough overview of the components that might be interesting to the user. See :doc:`devel_components` in the developer manual for a more detailed account for developers. See :doc:`configuration` for details on how to activate and configure a component. Base components --------------- core .... The ``core`` component will implicitely be included. It provides the basic PlexMap concepts of Depots, Layers and Views as described in :doc:`data_model`. map ... The ``map`` component provides a 2D map for the data (currently OpenLayers 3). globe ..... The ``globe`` component provides a 3D map for the data (currently OpenWebGlobe) and the ability to work with 3D data in the backend. For a PlexMap installation to make any sense, it needs at least one of ``map`` or ``globe``. Other components ---------------- addresses ......... The ``addresses`` component provides database structures for address storing, as well as a widget for address search. With the following command you can fill the addresses database from an exisiting depot:: python loadaddressesfromdepot *depot* \ xal:LocalityName xal:ThoroughfareName xal:ThoroughfareNumber poi ... Provides the point-of-interest (POI) backend structures and and frontend widgets. See :doc:`user_guide_poi` for a guide on how to work with POI. In case you want to change the sidebar title of the POI widget, you can set the ``title`` setting in the ``poi`` section. The settings ``widget.initially_collapsed`` and ``widget.folder_initially_collapsed`` determine wether the sidebar widget should be closed at start and wether each folder should be closed at start, respectively:: poi: title: POI widget: initially_collapsed: true folder_initially_collapsed: true session ....... The ``session`` component is a powerful extension to both ``map`` and ``globe``. It allows the dynamic adding of content of various kinds (3D geometries, WMS, ...) as well as the creation of temporary view and layer configuration. layers ...... The ``layers`` component provides a hierarchical layers widget. This is currently required by both ``map`` and ``globe`` to show any layers at all. multiuser ......... This component provides a multiuser server and enables the ability of a client to see other clients. Currently implemented in ``globe`` only. UI components ------------- attribution ........... Provides a simple attribution text at the bottom of the browser window. To enable the attribution, add ``attribution`` to ``plexgis.components`` and set the config setting ``attribution.text`` to the desired text. You can change wether the attribution appears on the left or on the right by setting ``attribution.align`` to either ``left`` or ``right``. Example:: attribution: text: "Licensed under Creative Common BY-NC 3.0" align: left buenosdias .......... The welcome dialog. Contents can be customized (see :doc:`user_guide_buenosdias`). The welcome dialog will not appear for users that are logged in. exportlite .......... This component allows the user to draw a polygon. This polygon can then be used to call a parametrized URL of an export service. infobar ....... Adds links to the bottom of the sidebar, like Terms of Service. Contents can be customized (see :doc:`user_guide_buenosdias`). coordinates ........... The coordinates component provides a coordinate widget in the toolbox. Thus, it requires the toolbox component. The widget allows the user to see the current coordinate, change the coordinate system and jump to a specific coordinate. The list of coordinate system is provided by default but can be extended or changed with the ``coordinates.coordinate_systems`` configuration list. Each entry in this list must have the following attributes: ======================= =========================================================== Setting Description ======================= =========================================================== ``id`` A string in the following form: "EPSG:n", e.g. "EPSG:25832" ``title`` The title of this coordinate system ``proj`` A proj4 string describing the projection for this CS ======================= =========================================================== Example:: coordinates: coordinate_systems: - id: 'EPSG:25832' title: 'UTM Zone 32N' proj: '+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs' Please see ``default.yaml`` for a list of the coordinate systems that ship with PlexMap. overview ........ Provides an small 2D overview map. Set ``overview.tms`` to the absolute or relative URL of the TMS server that should appear, and ``overview.zoom`` to the zoom level of the overview map. Here is an overview of all parameters: ======================= =========================================================== Setting Description ======================= =========================================================== ``tms`` URL to TMS server (absolute or relative) ``zoom`` Minimum zoom level of the Overview Map ``min_elevation`` The window is only showed when the elevation is below this ``always_visible`` If this is ``true``, the overview window is always visible ``initially_collapsed`` If this is ``true``, the widget will be closed at the start ======================= =========================================================== editor ...... Will add "insert, edit, delete" functionality to the ``map`` component. tooltip ....... This component adds tooltips at various places (e.g. zoom buttons). You can change the default texts of various elements in the config file, like in the following example:: tooltip: texts: search: "Use this search bar to search for stuff." auth .... Will display the currently logged in user.